
Kwan Yin – Ask for Our Help

Channel: Vania Rodrigues

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!

Once again I come with my white dragons, bringing peace, love and balance to each one of you. Close your eyes at this moment. Let your bodies absorb this energy that I am emanating at this moment. Feel it penetrating your bodies. It is an energy of Love and Light that will take away all fear from you, all those feelings that you begin to vibrate when you do not know what is coming next.

Understand this, my brothers: back then, at the beginning, when it all began, you didn’t know what the journey would be like; you didn’t know what you would go through. But you trusted, you believed, and you’re here. So, now nothing has changed. We can only say that the moments will be a little more difficult. But you will continue following your paths, your walks.


There is nothing to fear. Everything that will happen to each of you was already written back when you started; nothing is being set up now. Everything was already defined a long time ago. And I can assure each of you that, on the contrary, the journey you have taken so far has brought you much evolution and has given you the strength to go through everything that lies ahead with more ease, with much more comprehension, with much more understanding than we would have gone through if you had done nothing. Then, yes, those would be very difficult times.

But you know how to vibrate high. You have already learned a lot. So, everything will depend on how you face each problem; how you will live each problem. Use what you have learned. Use the weapons you have acquired over time. And it will be just another period. Nothing of that great importance.

The only thing you need to understand and prepare for is in relation to the rest, in relation to the outside world. Do not suffer for anyone. Do not experience anyone’s pain. This is a very complex point, which you will need to effectively learn: not to suffer the suffering of others. To simply emanate Light, Light and Light; nothing else. Understanding everything that has already been said, understanding that many need to leave. It is necessary.

So, know how to live through these moments, because they will be intense. Not necessarily for you, but for those who need to leave. You will see many leaving; people you didn’t even expect, but who made choices. And they will be in the middle too. Don’t interpret that everyone who leaves is because they were not of the Light. No. Choices were made. And many do not want to pass on in the physical body. They have already made that choice.


So, just accept it; learn to accept each person’s choices. And live each moment with a lot of Light, with a lot of Love in your heart. Don’t let yourself suffer. Don’t let yourself get caught up in suffering that isn’t yours. Just worry about your own path. That’s what’s important. And rest assured, each one of us is very close. If you feel like you’re not able to keep your vibration high, ask for help. Don’t try to do everything alone. Don’t try to be the greatest of all. Because you will have moments of great anguish, moments of great pain; and you will need our help.

So ask for our help. Don’t be afraid or shy, thinking that you are bothering anyone. This is our role, to help each one of you. So, do what you can, ask for our help. And we will be there immediately, wrapping each one of you in our energy.

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